Given the spotlight on services within Life Insurance/Income Protection, we recently took the initiative as a provider of services and engaged a highly regarded legal firm with knowledge of the Life Insurance industry to review all our service offerings.
We felt it was necessary to ensure that our referrers were confident when referring to our services.
The firm conducted a comprehensive review, from interviewing us, to reviewing all our documentation and written correspondence.
The IP/Life services reviewed are as follows:
-Fixed fee programs: Pain Assist, Fatigue Assist, Mind Assist, Cancer Assist
-Pharmacological/Medicines Reviews
-Cognitive Coaching
-BeFIT-EP – Functional conditioning / Exercise programs
-Pain/Fatigue/Cancer Coaching (Case Management)
-Occ Rehab services
The services were reviewed in accordance with:
– Life Insurance Act 1995 (Cth)
– Health Insurance Act 1973
– Private Health Insurance Act 2007
– And “other relevant health insurance legislation”.
It is with pleasure and confidence, we advise you that we can continue to provide ALL our current services to the Income Protection / Life Insurance Scheme.
We also want to reassure our referrers of our continued support and commitment to the industry as a whole.
Thank you to those insurers who have since contacted us to discuss and collaborate on the findings to deliver quality services to the insured.