Today, the 9th of September 2021, is R U OK Day.
It’s also OK not to be OK…

The past few months have been extremely challenging for many people within Australia and around the world. Statistics from the AIHW’s National Suicide and Self-Harm monitoring system has shown an increase in the number of people utilising crisis lines like Lifeline or Beyond Blue since the beginning of the pandemic, with a corresponding rise in ambulance attendances to suicidal thoughts and self-harm in both NSW and Victoria.
R U OK Day is about just this, raising awareness for mental health, suicide awareness and to prompt us to ask the people around us if they are REALLY OK during this tough time. Although so simple, it is immensely powerful to ask someone if they are OK and cause a conversation they may really need to have.
We all know someone right now doing it tough, let this post be your reminder to reach out and ask, R U OK?
If you or anyone you know needs help:
Lifeline: 13 11 14
Mensline Australia: 1800 551 800
Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636
Headspace: 1800 650 890